Download - IntelliGaze 11

Intelligaze 11.0, released in July 2023, provides a completely new user interface and adds support for the latest Cam30NXT hardware.
All Cam30NT systems shipped since Jan. 2023 have been licensed to include the new version already.

IntelliGaze 11.2, released in August 2024 marks a new mile-stone, with the move to a 64bit architecture.
The hardware requirements remain identical, but mostly irrelevant 32bit Windows platforms will be dropped.
Seamless updates from earlier 32bit IntelliGaze installations are guaranteed.
For legacy installations, earlier 11.x 32bit builds will be provided on request.

Older camera models will require a license upgrade but can run v.11.x with full functionality in a trial-mode.
IG v.5.x will receive stability updates until May, 2025 and will not be updated to v.11 via the automatic channel.
For details, please check the release notes below, contact your local reseller or alea technologies using the support form.

Download - IntelliGaze 5.5

Use this download as a standard for all systems shipped before July, 2023.
IntellIgaze 5.5. supports all camera models, but NOT Cam30NXT.
IntelliGaze 5.5 will still receive automatic updates, but will not update to v.11 automatically.
For details, please check the release notes below.

Development partners and distributor access.

Please check with alea technologies regarding login data.

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